Saturday, 15 April 2017

Episode 02(Super Star Boy Trouble her Mother)

A bike Man crush the school boy on the street playing football (If you have within boys playing football using street road as football field) . The street Guys rush him to near by hospital and alert his mother about the incident. The mother rush down to hospital with immediate effect and foot the medical bill.
Few weeks later...The mother ask me why! I said why What!! what Baba Sango prediction failed to manifest? ...I replied..Send your son back to school for better future and stay away from Baba Sango forecast.....I ask her a question too..I said " Do you know any children of Baba Sango and there present status?" The mother said I like JAMB questions and that was why I remain at home for 4 good years without job..hum.....I never mind her but I replied.... "God will provide job for me any time without consulting Baba Sango"
Few days later, she had a second thought about my question and decided to visit Baba Sango again to know why his son never jam opportunities according to his forecast. The mother took his son to Baba Sango on that faithful day...GBAN GBAN SELE..ARIWO SO! ...AWO WOLE - SUN...SUNREE OOO.... crying and noise at Baba Sango house...The mother was scared and dump-folded...The son ask her mother ...that people said SUN REE OO....The time is 12:30Pm so Is Baba Sango still in bed by this time of the day and so why this noise not same noise from football show...Did Arsenal loose again? His mother replied..shut your dirty mouth oo boy...This is a dead matter now!
The mother begin to see surprises, strange things and amassing scene!....
Dear reader...Next is episode 03..what happen to school school after Baba sango dead? ......To be continue.....

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