Saturday, 15 April 2017

Episode 01(Super Star Boy Trouble her Mother)

A boy was preparing for O-Level examination. He read vigorously everyday but eventually ran out of memory...He told her mother that he always forget everything after reading. His mother worried and took him out for spiritual deliverance. The mother believe that traditional spiritualist concussion will work faster than ever so they both went to Baba Sango spiritual consult Center. Baba Sango told the the mother in the present of the boy that " your boy is a big start, With little or no effort, his son will prosper, he is the only almighty star in their family. He further said that very soon he will be prosper and become rich boy in this city. Baba Sango also advised the mother to always support him in every action and intention".
Baba Sango gave the mother concussion to be used every 7-7 days. Mother and son went back home...
Few weekd later.....This boy opted out of school when the exam remain 7 days.
I personally advice the mother and son on the importance of education in life.Also quoted that "Knowledge is light" therefore he need to get the fundamental in other to compete favorably in life. The mother replied "OLOGO lomo temi oo " Baba sango had said all" My son must excel in life no mater how"
Something terrible happen to her son and they rush back to Baba Sango....Read more on the amazing thing that happen at baba Sango territory.
Episode 02 coming soon

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