Saturday, 26 November 2016

Fedpoffa GPA/CGPA Trend Line:

The success path of Academic at Fedpoffa citadel of learning is the final CPGA obtained at the final end your program. It is easy to have distinction, Upper, Lower, and Pass Classifications. Some situation will drive students to probation and end up succeed with Pass or Lower Classification, while some will start from High CGPA and disintegrate to Lower or Pass...Every-things depend on students desire. Some students know their weakness in Academic while many never know. Some Students know secret of success in any course offer at Fedpoffa while many lack initiative to detect path of carrier success. Academic progress depend on whom you are and type for friends, course mates and gangs you associate with, during the index of your academic program. Prayer is the genetic spiritual drive of success in life, because it help in many ways; with prayer any factors that hindered your academic progress may be remove (i.e Bad friends, Bad forum, lazy mind etc). Students can determine their final CGPA if there is total focus with great passion to their academic. Secret of success depend on the following criteria if people will agree or not.
1. Do the right thing at the right time according to lecturers guideline ie. Assignment, Text books, Practicals, Exam tips...etc.
2. Study lecturers teaching style, mode of life and assessment modalities.
3. Study the lecturers differences in term of teaching, moral, and modeling. humm..."we all know some lecturers are godly in nature at time".
4. Take time to play, it is the secret of success...Good to have fun, ready, engage on social activities but there is limitation to everything in life.
In conclusion readers can contribute to this trend by expression their view but avoid bad words on this forum....Your maturity is needed. Thanks
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