Wednesday, 10 May 2017


It is said, ‘if nothing is done about anything, things will remain the way they are”. It is with great enthusiasm and unbridled sobriety that I decided to write on this issue affecting the Student Union Government (SUG) of Federal Polytechnic Offa.
Student Union Leadership is formed to promote and defend the welfare needs of student’s community in every Tertiary Institution. Union leaders engage Government through dialogue on certain policies and the authorities of institutions to provide certain minimum service that will promote a sustained environment for academic interaction. This includes teaching, learning, social and research activities.
Student leaders who are supposed to be the Joshuas of today are already in the same track with our leaders. Our student   union leaders have cultivated the idea of accumulating much wealth to own fat account after their tenure in office.
Student Union Government (SUG) serves as the voice of the students in all Tertiary Institution in Nigeria.
The Authorities through the Students Union Government is able to instill discipline and know the feelings and request of the students

The activities of student Unions include amongst the followings
1.     Student Welfare: This involves monitoring prices of goods in the campus, improving public transportation around the school, raising scholarship funds by seeking assistance, improving services in sick bays and clinics, expressing solidarity in support of union member during incidences such as death.
2.     Represent the interest of all its members at all level; be accountable to its members.
3.     Anticipate and respond to students’ needs and demands to ensure continuous improvements.
4.     Infrastructure Development: Embark on building of students’ cafeterias, viewing centers to watch matches, listen to news, union secretariat, Students Park and gardens, information centers etc.
5.     Social Activities: Enrich social life on campus by organizing parties, excursions, fun trips to beaches, zoos and museums, selling discounted tickets to concerts, shows plays and cultural events and rag days.
6.     Sport Development: Organize competitions in sports across faculties/schools, departments, programmes to engage students and discover talents to form school teams.
7.      Para-Military Training: Student Unions should encourage enrolment into para-military outfits for physical fitness training and for provision of security especially during election and events. Example is MAN O’ WAR. Anti – cultism enforcement.
8.     Community Service: Student Union Government should contribute to community and society at large by coordinating volunteer activities such as promoting environmental awareness campaigns, presenting gift items to charity homes and the needy, career choice training to Primary and Secondary Schools in host communities.
9.     Operate efficient, high quality services and activities.
10.                        Promote constructive relations between students and the wider community

It is the contention of this write up that Student Unionism today in Federal Polytechnic Offa is far cry from what was practiced some years back. This can be attributed to the socio-economic and political systems in the larger society that has crept into the fabrics of our education system. The following bedevil an effective Student Union leadership and unionisms in Federal Polytechnic Offa;
1.     Candidate aspiring for elective offices into Student Unions do not have a well-articulated manifesto for implementation.
2.     Some candidate are driven by personal and economic gains and not service
3.     Most candidates do not understand the workings of the Union before presenting themselves for service.
4.     Some good candidates are marginalized along ethnic, religious and tribal considerations.
5.     Some credible candidates are wrongfully and deliberately dropped during screening by ICEC.
6.     Gross loss of confidence on the Union leadership
7.     Rift arising from welfare issues and refusal of audience by government and management of institutions.
8.     The influence of financial inducement against a free, fair and credible election.
9.     Constitutional breaches.
10.                        Some candidates are sponsored by certain interest group within and outside the institutions.

1.     Student Union Leaders should be alive to their constitutional responsibilities which may include organizing social and sporting activities such as football competition, Seminar, Cultural events, provision of services and protecting the well-being of students.
2.     Student Union leaders must know the limits of their powers and cooperate with management towards achieving institutional goals without compromising standards and the welfare of students.
3.     Student Union leaders must encourage student to student interaction by calling congresses, forming committees to assign duties, investigate reports and exhaustively discuss issues before presentation to authorities.
4.     Student Union leadership should educate congress members to be careful in handling college properties and equipments to avoid penalties or discipline.
5.     Union Executives must be exemplary in their actions, conduct free, fair and credible election to usher in new Executives when their tenure is due, they must be accessible, transparent and be objective.
6.     There should be joint interactive meetings between Students’ union leaders, management and security personnel for confidence building to avoid escalation of demonstrations and the use of brute force should it arise.
7.     Introduction of seminars and workshops on leadership training would enhance organizational effectiveness in Federal Polytechnic Offa
8.     Student Union leader must embrace dialogue and negotiation in addressing issues with Management and deploy time-lines to stimulate response.
9.     Student Union leaders must be astute, fearless and courageous in demanding for the rights of students in the most civil manner.
10.                        Being the voice of the student community, they should strive to instill discipline among students.
Management should encourage Students’ participation in Institutional governance which leads to organizational effectiveness in Tertiary Institution in Nigeria. The inclusion of students in the day to day running of educational system in Federal Polytechnic Offa will address most challenges. To stimulate good student leadership and organizational effectiveness, the government and management of our education sector should organize courses, seminars, talk shows and workshops in leadership training for students’ leaders to assist them develop the skills needed to perform their responsibilities.
Also student union leaders should emerge only through a free, fair and credible elections void of socio – economic and political interferences.
Management should create the enabling environment for learning and peaceful co-existence. Student should note that management can provide for their welfare and comfort base on available resources.
Every student is responsible for his or her action while undergoing training in any higher institution of learning. Union leaders and students alike should remember that their primary duty in the school is to acquire skills and knowledge. They should avoid any actions that may lead to expulsion, suspension, prosecution and imprisonment.
They should be guided by the oath of allegiance they took during matriculation which ends only when they have successfully graduated.
Aluta continua…….. Victoria Acerta…………  Amangla Awettu……. Nothing shall discourage us.
Hon. Taiwo Seyifunmi (SEYON)
Restoration Ambassador
NAMS President 2016/2017 Session

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